All this life that we built, we build it on the dreams, ideals and goals that we want how are lives would be. We colour and design and make it our own. But as we grow up, our legs just got heavier, gravity just got real and the moment you realize your wings are slowly disappearing because they are not real and they are imaginations you're allowed to make because it's free.
Well, I suppose I'm one of them. The one who has this blueprint of how her life would be, could be, should be but as her wings disappear, this blueprint seems more and more overbearing and a little too fancy. If this is fancy, then what is not?
I always remembered when my cousin told mum how boring life would be after graduation then get a job, then a car, then a house, then marry, then have kids and end your life with a this big bang called loan and taxes; being tied down to all the responsibilities that you "apparently-should-have" living the "normal life".
I having nothing against this kind of lifestyle just so you know. I mean. it's a pretty good life to have a nice job, nice car, nice house, nice family and nice people around you.They say this is enough happiness for one life. But what if we want more? Are we not entitled to that? Isn't that OUR choice? Is it wrong if that is what we want?
I don't want to end up living a life being cynical and take all this hate to my afterlife. I want to have a life where when the day last day comes I get to say, "Yeah this is a pretty awesome life! I didn't waste this one this time around." or say "Thank you world for everything. Thank you life, it's been an amazing one." I want to live a life where the blueprints of my life becomes real and I build the house that I want out of it. Maybe the blueprint just looks like a fucking mess doodled by some one year old kid. Probably should make it look 22. Yeah.