Initially the notion of having to wake up early once being committed is kinda daunting, I have to say. Why so? For this sem almost everyday I have been sleeping late. Late as in average 3am. Sometimes 5am on a Saturday. Then waking up 12pm, 1pm, the highest record is 2pm. It's like my life has tumbled upside down. Because of speaking with people with different timezones, I ended up affecting my own. I realized the gravity of this problem but yet the stubborn part of me is always resisting to rest and clinging on to the thought of the possibility that they would be online at this hour.
Anyway, sleeping at 3am and waking up at 12pm, one might think how could this breakfast thingy be possible? It's pretty much mission impossible. In fact, I have to cycle so far every morning, like....why would I do this. The me that I know could never muster such determination. But I made it.
I guess the main reason is that I am inspired by the people there. I wouldn't say convinced or brain washed. I guess I have been wanting to slim down in a good way. Articles after articles I have read online on the easiest or fastest or laziest way to exercise, but let's be honest I was just lazy to move my ass. So I thought this could be a great opportunity for me to actually get my healthy lifestyle back, of course ot to mention getting fitter and slimmer.
Today, on the 3rd day I weighted. And apparently my water level in my body has increased and my muscle mass have increased too! Which means, that I am in the progress of slimming and ACTUALLY SHAPING! (SAY WUT?) I mean, for the first time it felt like a miracle could happen to me. All these years, I actually thought slimming down would be reaching for the stars to me. For the first time, I actually think it's no more mission impossible. It's mission possible and it is working!
And, on the 3rd day I started to drink more and more water. Initially the amount was a bit hard for me to take in (like WTF 3 litres everyday, I can't even finish 1.5 a day) But I put effort into drinking it, thinking there's no drinking too much for me at this point so just drink your hearts out. Now it actually becomes easier and easier! And it's mandatory for me to finish 1.5 litre per day at least. For 3 days, I have been drinking 2.5 at least and my target should be 3 :)
My battery is running low it's so distracting. I guess that's all for now :D Till the next time ^^