Monday, May 28, 2012


So what we are we blogging about today? Something I've never imagine I would talk about-Beauty.
Well not exactly beauty, as in talking about how to makeup, but because I had a sore or swell resulted from yesterday's long day of wearing heels, standing and walking. And the beauty topic today that I'm gonna talk about would be foot cream.
So I looked for the greatest invention of the world, better than encyclopedia, the almighty.....internet, to search for my resolution to these poor feet.
Then I found this pretty amazing blog, this is the link:
At first I thought, having a sore on our feet, we just have to simply massage to make it better. Well apparently the truth isn't like this. I was introduced to this product-foot cream. Never heard of it before but it certainly make sense. I thought there would be other alternatives but sadly no. The most accurate resolution for a sore feet is foot cream, le sigh~

My first reaction was like, now I know how tough it is to be a woman, or pretty woman precisely. There's goddamn tonnes of beauty product and services out there that I can't remember all of them! Even like pedicure, I do know what's that but the process, taking off this, removing that, put it for how long, seriously! I couldn't even absorb that!

Anyway, so this website introduced me to this foot cream product named Topricin. I wonder if they have it here. Not gonna talk much about the details, but apparently the author made the product sounds magical. Initially I just wanna forget about it and let it heal by its own like the usual way. But then, I know I need to wear heels more often and it's gonna be a long term thingy. If I don't get my feet right, now, then by the time I need to wear heels, I'm afraid it would worsen.

Thus, instead of asking Grace to buy one for me, I just went and ask around people whom I know pretty much concerned about these kind of stuff, and yes! I found this pretty amazing stuff.

Heel Genius Amazing Foot Cream it is by Soap and Glory. Once again I got it from Adibah when I was asking Hazel for foot cream. Hmm...I guess she's my saviour or guardian angel or something. So this product boast to be as good as or even better than pedicure! Sounds great! This nifty little product in a cute pink tube also even have pretty cute slogans on it, such as: Heel Genius was tested on people. (You might argue this if you'd seen the condition of some of their feet. Yeeesh.) Honestly, I don't know what's it talking about, but yes! It's cute, it boast it's effectiveness and it's smells amazing. Now I don't have to but perfume, these are good enough for me. I couldn't even resist smelling my hand like a retard because it smells so nice! Local products should learn more from these products. The funny thing also is that you have to slip cotton socks overtop and let it soak while you sleep. I don't know whether it applies to all kinds of foot cream but honestly this amuses me. This is the back look of the cream.

On the official website, the ratings for this product is 4.5/5. I don't know how true is this but out of desperation, it's like the holy light that shines on you and asking you to buy their product. I searched up for the reviews on this cream and surprisingly there are a number of it. I couldn't be bothered to read all of them, but I briefly scanned through the one from Here's the link:
Anyhow, I think I would still buy Topricin than this one because it's more of what I wanted compared to this one. This is just for temporary use, I didn't even use it at night.

So yeah basically that's all about it. I think after this I should completely reject myself out from the beauty field. For now, it's too complicated for me but I still have interest in it because till now it still gives me wonders. I realised I've learnt a lot about fashion, beauty and styling after coming to this school, which is a very good thing. Oh yes! Before I forget, I actually went to TC's room and wanted some foot cream, but then she GAVE me this. Oh well, no harm done, I need lotion for my fish scale skin too. Thank you TC ;P

I guess that's all for now, spent almost an hour on writing this :O I hope readers don't laugh at me on beauty because yes I admit I'm still in the Flinstone era trying to modernize my beauty knowledge. But I'm still young, I think it's the right age for me to start learning bit by bit.

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